“Jessica is a steadfast and caring problem solver who has a proven track record as an experienced policy-maker throughout our community and state. I’m confident she will be a strong voice for the interests of all Vermonters when she is elected!”
— Shelburne Rep. Joan Lenes
“I’m proud to support Jessica as my representative. She is highly competent and will bring fiscal responsibility to state government. She cares deeply about our state and the people in her community.”
— John Crabbe, Shelburne resident and business owner

We support Jessica for Vermont House. We hope you will too!
Joan Lenes
Helmut Lenes
Sarah Lenes
Peter Lenes
Judy Raven
Lee Suskin
Jaimie Heins
Erin Heins
Tom Rugg
Kate Rugg
Maria McClellan
Jim Brumsted
Susan Shane
Charles MacLean
Cricket Braun
John Braun
Eric MacLean
Jeff Palmer
AnnaClare Smith
Amanda Comai
Ben Comai
Nathan Comai
Sam Comai
Mary Pat Palmer
Fred Palmer
Ray Duggan
Dorothy Duggan
Barbara Cory
Spencer Knapp
Anne Provost
David Provost
Sue Furry-Irish
Maryanne Hamilton
Roger Steinhauer
Sarah Gentry Tischler
Marc Tischler
Scott Carpenter
Lisa Carpenter
David Parmelee
Laurie Parmelee
Kit Stone
Cathy Desautels
Shana Trembly
Molly Dillon
John Charron
Regan Charron
Carol Conard
Becky Moore
David Heddon
Lori Ring
Wayne Ring
Kate Webb
Marshall Webb
Bill Paginelli
Barbara Paginelli
Katharine Archer
Lisa Pizzagalli
Lori Smith
Nancy Baker
Brian Flynn
John Brumsted
Nina Ryder Lynn
Kelly Austin
Deborah Bergh
Laura Gannon
Lisa Kunin
Ted Winfield
Nancy Herman
Kerin Stackpole
Maria McGrath
J. Ward Stackpole
Janet Stackpole
Marilyn Schafer
Craig Schafer
Kathy Beyer
Kelly Bowen
Harry Bowen
Brigitte Barrette-Deschamps
Janet Thompson Miccolo
Gretchen Williamson
Mark Williamson
Ben Eisenberg
Molly Nilan
Allison Kaigle Holm
Hannah Holm
Sten Holm
Tom Nold
Clara Nold
Beth Wardwell
Kay Ryder
Connie Metz
Carolynne Wang
Deane Wang
Mendy Mitiguy
Lili Ruane
Kimberly DuBrul
Manon O’Connor
John Crabbe
Marla Handy
Beverly Boget
Carol Geske
Sharon Mount
Ruth Henry
Laurie Loveland
Lori Scotnicki
Josie Bateman
Paula Doyle
Kate Songer
Leslie Williams
Holly Galyean
Sandra Lewis
Lauren Layman
James Layman
Kellen Brumsted
Katie Mensen
Nicole LaBrecque
John Dawson
Jennifer Whalen
TJ Whalen
Chris Lobel
Bob Lobel
Andrea Green
Andrew Mahoney
Gunnar Sievert
Michel Benoit
Jon Rosenberg
Lee Rosenberg
Mary Putnam
Nancy Warren